
Showing posts from December, 2022

New Nolan favourite -'Interstellar'

Christopher Nolan’s ‘Interstellar’. Now this is a film I’ve dying to see for donkeys’ years, especially after I learnt who Mr Nolan was watching ‘Inception’ not knowing he was the same director of the ‘Dark Knight’ films which as a fan of superhero growing up was a favourite. My only excuse for not seeing ‘Interstellar’ was the quality of viewing experience I wanted; it is three hours long, set in space and infamously has a near perfect auditory experience. So when I was home at Christmas with my cousin who is only a fan of actually good films heard I hadn’t seen it, it was perfect timing to pop it on the quality TV at my parent’s house at 11:30 pm.   ‘Interstellar’ follows engineer, pilot, farmer Matthew McConaughey’s Cooper in a dystopian future where Earth is practically inhabitable with dust everywhere and food resources depleting rapidly. Classic space plot he along with a team of astronauts including Anne Hathaway’s Brand set off to find a new planet for humans, but add in black

Yule Crack Up- 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation'

Every Christmas Eve my family sit down after doing our new Christmas pyjamas tradition and we watch the 1989 slapstick comedy ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’, and we have done going on six, seven years now. So when Christmas Eve 2022 rolled around, down we sat to our family favourite, yet this year was slightly different as now I pretend I have extremely insightful and interesting things to say about films on this silly wee blog. Unlike my other blog entries this isn’t first watch review, but just like my introductory entry I had to write about my favourite Christmas film.   Based upon humorous stories written by The Breakfast Club’s director 80s legend John Hughes, the ‘National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation’ is part of a franchise of films following the Griswold family starring SNL’s Chevy Chase often trying to pull off the perfect family experience whether that be a road trip to a theme park in the first 1983 instalment or Christmas with the extended family. Since first seein

I'm Blue Im a Da Ba Dee- 'Avatar: The Way of Water'

  Now, now, Avatar: The Way of Water was 3 hours 12 minutes long- do not worry this review won't be that long. Sort of felt like I not only had to go see the well waited for Avatar sequel and that I'd have to write about it. You could argue just due to the huge budget, hype and box office success to achieve it is the biggest film of 2022; can't really say I have a film blog if I didn't write about it. First I want to just set the scene for all my opinions I am going to dump below- when 'Avatar' came out I was eight, sooooo no I did not see it back in 2009. I can't actually remember when I saw it for the first time but it was definitely in the cinema, my memories of liking it are vague and I definitely only saw it once. Like most people at the time it was mostly a visual experience awe experience. The first film literally embodied 'The Pandora Effect', something I recommend reading into if you're not familiar. Going into 'Avatar: The Way of Wa

Nom Nom- 'The Menu'

  This review is long overdue but so was me seeing Mark Mylod's 'The Menu'. I wanted to see it for quite a while mainly due to being call a dark, comedic thriller structured around food, really not sure why I wouldn't want to go see it. When I did finally see it it was without seeing the trailer, or knowing any part of the plot just the cast list, some very pretty stills and not to mention the dynamic film poster. 'The Menu' follows 'Erin' played by Anya Taylor-Joy and Tyler played by Nicholas Hoult, along side other lucky guests, travel to a remote island to experience the finest cuisine from renowned chef Julien Slowik played by Ralph Fiennes. It opens on Erin and Tyler waiting on a dock for their boat lift to the restaurant, all of the dining guests join and immediately with some side eyes here and there you can tell the film is going to entail a fun mix of characters and potentially intertwining back stories. Once the first meal is served the structu

Baubles and Blood- 'Violent Night'

  Another spontaneous trip to the cinema led me to choosing my next new film watch, TommyWirkola's 'Violent Night' starring David Harbour as the one and only Santa Claus. This was an untraditional Christmas film with the addition of several bloody deaths and swear words thought, yet I do believe I am now old enough to cope. The general plot of the film involved Santa stuck in a rich family hostage by armed mercenaries, who all of which have christmassy code names like Gingerbread, Santa is left to save the day.  When I first saw this film advertised I thought the choice of David Harbour as this some what grumpy, murderous Santa was that he could play this role very well; he has already nailed the initial miserable uninterested but loveable character in 'Stranger Things's Jim Hopper. He certainly did fit the untraditional duplication of Father Christmas. As the film opens in Bristol, England, we see Santa sat drinking heavily at the bar slurring to the barmaid and fe

Ate this shit up- 'Bones and All'

  I caved and purchased the Odeon my Limitless pass that allows you to watch as many films as you want with the membership as there are so many films out at the moment I am excited to see, the first of which being Luca Guadagnino's 'Bones and All' starring the one and only skinny white boy of the late 2010s Timothée Chalamet. Now before I get into reviewing my experience with this film I want to highlight all I knew about this film was that Timothée Chalamet's and Taylor Russel's fall in love, plus there is some cannibalism. I'd seen no trailer, no age rating and had no idea who the cannibals were; just the occasional still of the film looking all pretty and romantic. I honestly think that was the best way to view the film.  Go in blind and take it all in... much like they did in the film. First thing I can say about this film is I haven't watch a film and felt so many things so intensely afterwards. The content of the film combined the most disturbing acts